發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2019-02-25 |
[linux] show specific line in file
(52) |
2019-02-21 |
[linux] get "read-only" usb drive to "writable"
(1826) |
2017-08-31 |
POSIX select + FIFO with constantly rd_set triggered
(112) |
2017-04-12 |
[shell script] about git status & git add (溫故知新)
(161) |
2016-07-19 |
[shell script] tftp download / upload file
(824) |
2016-04-26 |
[mips] 安裝 avahi
(441) |
2016-04-26 |
[shell script] 簡易的 config.sh
(726) |
2015-07-03 |
[shell script] 轉換檔案行尾 (windows -> unix)
(318) |
2015-05-09 |
[mips] 架構簡易的 library 編譯規則
(124) |
2015-05-06 |
ld: warning: liba.so, needed by .../libb.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
(444) |
2015-05-05 |
[mips] /xxx/libxxx.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format
(147) |
2014-12-03 |
[mips] install & use spidermonkey
(73) |
2014-11-24 |
[mips] build v8, node.js (failed)
(422) |
2014-11-03 |
[shell script] svn status, svn commit
(377) |
2014-10-27 |
Use Valgrind to detect memory leak
(128) |
2014-09-15 |
remove columns in file
(16) |
2014-02-07 |
[ubuntu] lighttpd + webdav
(1077) |
2014-01-17 |
使用 vim 查看 or 修改檔案編碼
(1618) |
2014-01-09 |
[ubuntu] lighttpd + 認證(basic) + SSL
(1006) |
2014-01-08 |
[ubuntu] lighttpd + CGI
(4365) |
2014-01-07 |
[ubuntu] lighttpd 安裝, source install, 和執行
(1887) |
2013-12-12 |
[ubuntu] 執行 thttpd - html 網頁
(383) |
2013-12-11 |
[ubuntu] 安裝 thttpd
(348) |
2013-12-11 |
ubuntu: apt-get 和 dpkg (deb檔)
(786) |
2013-12-11 |
tar.gz 和 tar.bz2
(537) |
2013-10-03 |
簡單的執行檔, 測試 shared object 的 memory leak 問題
(386) |
2013-06-04 |
字串分析處理 - grep, awk, find
(8847) |
2012-12-10 |
憑關鍵字, 同步修改檔名、檔案內容
(253) |
2012-07-18 |
in Telnet: example script to redirect output to Console
(227) |
2012-05-04 |
(498) |
2012-03-25 |
proc/net 相關
(1485) |
2012-02-15 |
linux 批次修改檔名 (windows批次修改副檔名)
(957) |